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Location: Sultanate of Oman

Client: Salalah Sanitary Drainage Service Co.

Consultants: Associated Consulting Engineers (ACE)

Project Description



Of the Odor Control System for the Salalah Waste Water Network. To study of Existing GIS Data, completing the Metadata Structure and a new GIS wastewater model.  To create a Mike Urban hydraulic model containing all lateral sewers with corresponding force mains with the 3 number Main Pumping Stations and 29 number Area Pumping Stations. To analyze the catchment areas, collect flow records and measure flows to calibrate the model.  To export the data from Mike Urban to WATS and to make simulations of the network to quantify the spatial distribution and temporal variations in hydrogen sulphide formation in the catchment areas. To identify risk areas and select and implement preventive and curing methods which will ensure dissipation of odors.

Consultancy Services

Design, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Operation


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