Location: State of Kuwait
Client: Ministry of Public Works
Consultants: Associated Consulting Engineers (ACE)
Project Description
The project is intended to upgrade and expand the Ardiyah treatment Plant serving the city of Kuwait to enable it to adequately handle a wastewater flow of 250,000 m3/day and a population of 1.25 million inhabitants.
The plant consists of low-loading complete mix activated sludge system, odour control sludge digestion followed by filtration. The effluent water is further subjected to tertiary treatment and subsequently pumped to storage tanks for irrigation purposes.
The existing plant comprises a 2-stage activated sludge system with pre-aeration. This system is heavily overloaded and can serve a population of only 0.5 million. The proposed expansion matches the existing and permits a simple and gradual phasing-out of the existing facilities.
The project also included:
- a state-of-the-art central control system,
- a central stand-by power system,
- landscaping, and
- modern administration and laboratory facilities.
Consultancy Services
Condition surveys; investigations; feasibility and economic studies; topographic, geotechnical and wastewater surveys and analysis; design; preparation of tender documents; analysis of construction tenders and award recommendations as well as construction supervision.