Location: Wadi Moussa & Adjacent Areas, Jordan Client: Ministry of Water & Irrigation-Water Authority / WAJ Consultants: Associated Consulting Engineers Project Description In association with Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM) – USA. USAID funded project, consultancy services for the study, design and construction supervision of water supply, wastewater collection treatment and re -use for Wadi Mousa Area including Taiba, B ’doul, Beida and nearby areas . For construction tendering purposes, the project divided into 8 tenders: - 1W, water pump station, 1000m2, RC Reservoir, 17.3km DI piping.
- 2W, water pump station, 3 R.C. Reservoir, 17.8km DI piping.
- 3W, water distribution system for Wadi Mousa Town.
- 4W, water distribution system for 3 towns.
- 5WW, WWTP, four WW pump stations and WW Force Main.
- 6WW, wastewater collection system for Wadi Mousa Town.
- 7WW, wastewater collection system for 3 Towns.
- 8W, WW, W & WW Force Mains, along Tabieh – Wadi Mousa Road.
Consultancy Services - Design of water distribution and sewage collection networks
- Design of pumping stations
- Tender documents
- Construction Supervision
- Operations and Maintenance manuals
