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Location:Kingdom of Bahrain

Client: Ministry of Works 

Consultants: Royal Haskoning / ACE Almoayed


Project Description

 As part of the on- going development of Khalifa Bin Salman Port and Industrial Area at Hidd the below listed Port Buildings were constructed on the land area already reclaimed for the Port under a previous contract.

The Port Buildings Contract included the construction of the following buildings and facilities:

1.       Port  Operations  Building:  Conventional concrete structure in  two  floors  totaling 1,385m2.

2.       Port Gate: Large Canopy for entrance and exit including booths, covering an area of 850m2.

3.       Passenger Terminal: Conventional concrete structure spreading in one level totaling,2,450m2.

 4.       Container Freight Station (CFS): Steel structure of 24,100m2 area.

5.       Aluminium Export Shed: Steel structure covering 16,500m2 area.

6.       Workshop: Steel structure for maintenance including two mezzanine levels with a total area of 4,855 m2.

7.       Transit Sheds: Tow identical steel structures in one floor each totaling 23,950m2.

8.       Marine Workshop: Steel structure covering 1,015 m2 with a mezzanine level of 420m2.

9.       Harbour Master’s Office & Control Tower: A combination of conventional concrete and steel structure totaling 1,935m2. The tower comprises ten levels.

 10.     Canteen: Conventional concrete building, one floor of 260m2.

11.     Container Terminal Building: Conventional concrete structure of 615m2.

12.     Gate House: Conventional concrete building, one floor of 200m2.

13.     Customs Clearance: Two level concrete building totalling, 2,335m2.

14.     Plant and Animal Quarantine: Conventional concrete structure of 475m2.

15.     Food Control Centre: Conventional concrete structure of 285m2.

Consultancy Services

  •      Preliminary & Final Design
  •      Tender Documents
  •      Construction Supervision
  •      Contract Management


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