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Location: Beirut & Byblos Campuses, Lebanon 

Client: Lebanese American University (LAU) 

Consultants: Associated Consulting Engineers (ACE)

Project Description


LRC Building - Beirut Campus

(Altern. 1): Concept design for the 17-floor Learning & Research Center (18,000m2): library 4000m2, classrooms 4000m2, staff apts. 2500m2, in addition to departmental offices, conference halls, cafeteria, 250-cars underground parking.

(Altern. 2): 14-floors LRC building comprising of: 2-basements (car park), 7-levels (library), and 5-levels (faculty apartments).

(Altern. 3): 12-floors LRC comprising of libraries, classes, offices, conference halls, staff apartments, underground car parks, etc.


Urgent Works - Beirut Campus

Major rehabilitation & renovation program involving numerous campus buildings, facilities, and services including:  Sage Hall, Orme Gray Bldg, Irwin Bldg, Fine Arts Bldg, Faculty Apt. Bldg, Theater's Electrical & Mechanical Systems, Swimming Pool Mechanical Plant & Electrical System, Campus Infrastructure Services


Irwin Building - Beirut Campus

Design and preparation of building permit for the new 3rd floor of 600m² area. Modification of the new 3rd floor at Irwin Building to accommodate offices for Vice Presidents and Directors in addition to modification of the exterior elevations.


Building  #1033 - Beirut Campus

Concept design of a temporary Low cost building (3-floors, 7000m²) accommodating 25 classrooms, offices, services, and a 50-car underground parking. The building (designed off-campus with a linking tunnel) is a temporary facility envisaged to be replaced after 10-years in favor of a major expansion program as stipulated in the master plan of the year 2010.


Temporary Library - Beirut Campus

3-floors steel structure library of 5000 m² total area envisaged to be replaced after 10-year in favor of a major expansion program as stipulated in the master plan.


Library  Building - Byblos Campus

The project includes 8-floor building of 14,000 m² total built-up area including a museum, auditorium, electronic information center, videoconference halls, classrooms, etc.


Car park  Building - Byblos Campus

3-underground floors of 12,000 m² total built-up area


Administration Building - Byblos Campus

5-floors building of 3000 m² total built-up area



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