Location: Newcastle, United Kingdom
Client: Newcastle International Airport PLC
Consultants: Associated Consulting Engineers (ACE)
Project Description
Several project packages aimed at upgrading the airport into an international status. The main components included the following:
- Planning, design and supervision of a parallel taxiway and terminal apron extensions.
- Stage III - Planning, design and supervision of Stage 3 development.
- Extension of the terminal building to improve international arrivals area.
- Terminal Building - Planning, design and supervision of terminal building and pier extensions. Associated Architects: Yorke Rosenberg Mardall.
- Air Traffic Control Tower - Design and construction supervision of extension to Air Traffic Control Tower at Newcastle Airport. Associated architects: Yorke Rosenberg Mardall.
- Development - Reassessment of traffic forecasts and extension of master plan for Newcastle Airport. Planning, design and supervision of further apron, taxiway, runway and building extension.
- Planning - Initial studies including traffic forecasting, planning, design and supervision of Newcastle Airport major redevelopment.