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Location: Tripoli, Lebanon
Client: Council for Development and Reconstruction - CDR
Consultants: Associated Consulting Engineers in association with Amenagement & Patrimoine
Construction Cost: 120,000 U S Dollars

Project Description

This project involved the preparation of a Detailed Physical Master Plan for the restoration and future development of several important sectors of Beirut Central District. The study area incorporates traditional market places, commercial streets as well as financial and banking centers. The vast majority of the built-up area covered by the study was old buildings of exceptional architectural and cultural value.

The main component of the study included the following:
• Assessment of present condition of the fabric and general appearance of buildings including detailed inventory of
damages, weaknesses and failures.
• Elaboration of general development master plan.
• Development of proposals for street scapes as well as built-up forms and appearance.
• Preparation of individual restoration portfolios for each building and structure within the study area including repairs and
enhancements to facades, additions / omissions and amenity provisions.
• Development of a 3D computer model of the study area.

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