ACE has always sought to protect the environment. Being eco-friendly, minimizing our work's impact on the environment and encouraging sustainability are now central concerns in our policies. ACE has always firmly believed that protecting natural resources is our duty. This is why we strive to conduct business in an environmentally responsible way. We go beyond complying with environmental laws and regulations and attempt to make a real difference:
• We take the environment in to account in our planning and decision making process and dedicate resources to effective environmental programs. • We take steps to have a green work environment (reducing paper use, lowering energy and water needs, managing waste, encouraging recycling etc.). • We periodically review our environmental performance and invest in research to develop programs and technology that better minimize our carbon footprint and environmental impact. • We provide our employees with environmental training (Green Building, Environmental Management, and Environmental Awareness). • ACE is currently a member of LEED. • ACE's devotion to being green doesn't stop here. Our new headquarters in Beirut is registered with the certification goal of LEED Gold.